How To Use Vinegar And Water To Clean Your Dog’s Ears

April 4, 2019


If you suspect that your dog is suffering from an earache or you simply like to stay ahead of such problems, you might look for different ways to keep your dog’s ears clean. The more natural the remedy, especially as a proactive measure, the better for your dog and for your pocketbook.

Why clean your dog’s ears?

Think about every time you go out for a walk with your four-legged companion and all that he or she manages to get into while bounding through tall grasses before leaping into lakes, potentially teeming with unpleasant microbes just waiting for a soft warm spot to nestle such as the ears of an unaware and frolicking pup.

Don’t let the bacteria, parasites or yeast that lurks in ponds and lakes, or even in high weeds or the dirt in which your dog loves to roll around, to work their way into your dear dog’s ear canal, causing him or her irritation and potentially infection.

Even if you let trapped debris go unchecked, you run the risk of potential inflammation to infection in your dear companion.

Drying solutions for dogs who are avid swimmers


If you take frequent runs outside with your dog, and particularly if your dog is prone to ear irritations and infections, consider buying an ear drying solution.

Many human swimmers need this extra step, so it makes sense that your dog might need help drying out their ear canals too, though they have no way of letting you know.

Even if you simply tuck cotton balls in your dog’s ears for a few moments, wiping it until the cotton ball comes out clear, according to, you can reduce some of the accumulation of water that can foster the growth of bacteria in your pet’s ears.

However, the solution will go a long way toward quickly drying your dog’s ears and preventing infection. You can easily make your own cleaning solution by mixing vinegar and water and using cotton balls to help extract debris and further dry the ears.

Mix up the solution and start cleaning

Gather all of your supplies so you can control the situation and keep your dog from bounding away as you go to track down the cotton balls you might have forgotten. Keep everything as close to you as possible so you can prevent all types of thrills and spills.

Pull together cotton balls, tweezers, vinegar, water and a bowl and then create the vinegar and water mixture. At a 50 percent ratio of each liquid, mix them together in a bowl. Use a few tablespoons of each liquid, both at room temperature, so your dog will not have to feel the shock of cold or hot water.

Once your solution is ready, dip a cotton ball into it, then gently swab your dog’s inner ear.

Make sure you have several cotton balls on hand to continue to use a clean piece for each time you swab.

Depending on the size of your dog’s ear canals, you may choose to use cotton-tipped applicators, so you can better reach any debris that lurks inside.

Again, use as many cotton balls or swabs that it takes until they are clear when you remove them from your dog’s ears.

As long as you remain gentle and stay toward the outer edges of the ear canal, this process will not hurt your pet. If you come across a stubborn piece of debris, such as a small twig, use the tweezers to carefully and gently remove it so it does not irritate your dog’s ear and cause further damage.

Once you remove the piece, go in with the water and vinegar solution on a cotton piece. Finally, make sure your dog’s ears are as dry as possible when you finish.

Most importantly, don’t forget to reward your dog for letting you take care of his or her ears with a favorite treat or a bonus walk, and maybe even a swim for the day.

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