9 World’s Most Popular Dog Toys

9. Rubber Bone


There is nothing dogs love more than a good bone they can chew on, fetch it or hide so you can never find it. Rubber bone is an excellent dog toy.

Almost all dogs like to sharpen their teeth on them, bury them in the backyard, and dig them out later so they can chew on them some more, while other dogs simply enjoy carrying rubber bones around with them everywhere they go.

Much like rope toy, rubber bones are excellent for getting plaque off of the dog’s teeth, keeping that mouth fresh and clean while they play they little furry asses off, providing you some more free time. It’s a win-win situation really.

However, it is important that you make sure the toy is an appropriate size for your dog. It should not be small enough to fit completely in your dog’s mouth, making it possible for him to swallow.

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