Filling The Void Of A Lost Pet (Part 2)

July 17, 2019


When people lose their beloved canine friend, they are often not sure how long they should wait to get another pet, or even if they will ever be ready to love another pet the same way they loved their first pooch.

The truth is there is no one, or right answer to this question. People deal with grief differently and the death of a beloved pet can be rather heartbreaking and the grief never goes away overnight.

Considering the Others

Make sure you think about the other people in your household as well.

What does your family think about getting another dog and are they ready to welcome a new pet.

This decision is a big one and should be made up as a group. Our suggestion is to have some kind of a family meetings during which you will all discuss this issue.

Once you all reach the verdict, it is time to discuss all the details related to this decision.

Do you have any other pets?

If you happen to have other pets in your household, think about them and their “opinion” before you add another dog to your family.

You should not forget that dogs and other pets are also able to grieve, so your other pets may be feeling sad and lonely as well. New dog may be helpful, but this isn’t always the case. Introducing a new dog to your home before your other pets are ready can cause a major disruption.

Be sure to watch their behavior closely for several days prior to bringing the new Fido into your family and look for the changes in personality, activity level and appetite. Once they start acting normal and you feel confident they are ready, get that new little rascal to lighten up the mood.

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