7 Incredibly Cute Grumpy Dogs That Will Make Grumpy Cat Proud

June 12, 2019

Five years ago, the now-famous Grumpy Cat took Internet by storm with its amazingly funny and accurate facial structure (meaning this cat’s facial expression pretty much depicted the way everyone was/is feeling at the moment) and the viral star was born.

Now, we have tried and gathered a number of equally cute grumpy dogs that remind us a bit of the above mentioned feline Internet star.

The only difference is – these pooches grumpiness is merely ephemeral.

1. The snow. I don’t like it

grumpy dogs

2. Oh, it’s you again. How wonderful

grumpy dogs

3. No, Taylor. I can’t just shake it off.

grumpy dogs

4. What do you mean I look like couch potato?

grumpy dogs

5. What if I never find out who’s a good boy?

grumpy dogs

6. Am I angry? Smiling? Laughing? I’m a grumpy? We will never find out.

grumpy dogs

7. I forgot to brown-bag my launch for today.

grumpy dogs

8. Grumpy Cat is proud.

grumpy dogs

Before you go, take a look at some more cute pooches to get you through the work week.

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