Introducing Your Dog To A Cat

June 10, 2019


If you’d like to adopt a cat as a buddy for your dog, you need to follow a strict set of rules to make the introduction as smooth as possible. It is possible for a dog and a cat to become friends even if they didn’t grow up, but make sure that the over a period of the first few weeks your dog and a new cat are subject to training, confinement and constant supervision.

When you bring a new cat into your home, make sure the dog is under confinement so that the cat can get used to the new space, and start eating, drinking water and using her litter box regularly.

Once this phase is complete, occasionally let the dog out of confinement to start getting used to the cat’s scent, but make sure you confine the cat for this stage at all times.

The next stage includes the dog and your new cat being in the same room at the same time, but the dog must be on a leash.

This stage is complete when the dog stops obsessing about the cat and the cat is eating and using the litter box normally in the dog’s presence.

Once you’ve got all this covered, unleash the dog and allow short, periodic, supervised “get-togethers” between the dog and the cat. This stage lasts for as long as it takes for the dog and the cat to get used to each other. You can leave the two pets alone together provided they’ve had enough supervised time, which is about 4-5 weeks.

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Make sure everyone has their own food and water, and enough space to roam around the house without having to worry about the other pet.

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Dog Guides
9 years ago

There is not easy way to make a cat to be friend for the dog. You need to be patient and consistent in effort making both cat and dog become friend for many days.

Yes, make sure plate of the dog and plate of the cat should be separated far for preventing the fight.