Useful Cone Collar Alternatives

December 2, 2019


A standard cone collar can be a real nightmare for your pooch. Not only will your dog look like your table lamp has come to life and feel ashamed for it, he will have major troubles running around, exploring, and most importantly – sleeping.

Fortunately, there are different, improved collars available that perform the same function like the traditional ones, and there are also some non-collar alternatives that are more comfortable for your furry friend.

Search your nearest pet store for cones that are made out of cushioned material, while there are also inflatable or cloth discs.

However, we don’t guarantee you dog will love either of these as all dogs respond differently to each one, so it might be smart to try them out first (on your dog, of course).

Also, if your dog doesn’t like the lack of peripheral vision, you can get a transparent collar made from clear plastic.

Other Alternatives

Depending on your dog’s wound, sometimes more simple solutions are the way to go.

Check out Cone Collar Alternatives on Amazon

Try covering the wound with a piece of clothing, or use a simple doggie T-shirt that covers the sore area. Bandages can also be useful and they come in a variety of materials that are water resistant and allow the flow of air, which is crucial for the healing process.

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9 years ago

that was interesting