What’s That Bark All About?

March 10, 2019


Though some breeds are naturally prone to barking and do it practically for no reason whatsoever, there is often a reason why dogs get so noisy every now and then. Let’s go over some of the most common reasons canines tend to bark their tails off.

Maybe your dog wants something

It is quite possible your pooch wants something really bad and the only way to express it is to speak in its own language.

If your dog barks right next to your door, it probably means he wants or needs to go outside.

If he barks in the morning or the afternoon while standing next to his bowl, it probably means he’s either hungry or thirsty.

Maybe your dog is Frightened

Most owners don’t know that most aggression manifested through barking is actually based on fear. A dog that is frightened of other dogs may lunge towards, rise up the fur on his neck and back, and he may bark and growl.

Dogs can bark if they are frightened of people, kids on bicycles, cars in motion and other things that they see as a possible threat. They bark to try and scare the monster away, no matter how silly it sounds.

Maybe he’s being Territorial

Your dog might bark if he is spooked by noises or things that suddenly appear in their environments, like thunder, person coming into your home, people who pass by your house or car. In these cases, pooches bark to protect and proclaim what they see as their domain.

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